What are the benefits of holding Insurance Policies in electronic form?

There are multiple benefits in holding insurance policies in electronic form under a single eInsurance Account (eIA). These benefits include:


All insurance policies, be it life, pension, health or general, can be electronically held under a single eIA. This means all details of all policies are available in a single account (place). The details of any of the policies can be accessed at any time by logging on to the online portal of Karvy Insurance Repository (www.kinrep.com).Premium for all the policies can be paid online and many service requests or complaints can be logged at this website.

Single Point of Service:

All service requests in respect of eIA or any of the electronic policies held under the eIA can be submitted at any of Karvy service points – there is no need to go to the offices of individual insurance companies for service.

Less Paper Work:
When you want to buy a new electronic insurance policy under an existing eIA, you don’t need to go through KYC verification all over again, if there are no changes to your KYC details already recorded in your eIA. Further, if you want to make any changes to your personal details like address or contact no, it is enough to change the details in your eIA with Karvy Insurance Repository by submitting a single request – We will inform all the insurance companies with whom you hold electronic policies, about the changes.