Insurance Repository is a facility to help policy holders buy and keep insurance policies..
Policy holder needs to open an e Insurance Account (eIA) with one of the Insurance Repositories to be able to buy and keep policies..
There are multiple benefits in holding insurance policies..
All insurance policies, be it life, pension, health or general, can be electronically held under a single eIA..
ID Proof, AADHAR CARD or PAN Card,Address Proof..
KINREP will open an e Insurance Account within 7 business days..
E Insurance Account (eIA) is absolutely FREE to the policy holder..
All the services provided by KINREP (insurance repository services)..
KINREP will be paid directly by the Insurance Companies whose policies are held in electronic form in Karvy Insurance Repository..
It is best to submit all requests in respect..
No. IRDA stipulates that an individual..
All individual life insurance policies including health and pension policies..
KINREP will act as the Single Point of Service for all your policies held in electronic form..
Yes, you can request a duplicate eIA statement from KINREP..
Karvy Insurance Repository has a policy holders’ grievances cell to address the grievances of policy holders..
Once you have opened an e Insurance Account, it is quite simple to buy a new policy in electronic form..
If you already have an eIA, you just need to write out a request..
There are multiple key benefits in converting your existing paper insurance policies..
Yes, the eIA can be operated by the account holder only during his life time..
A policy holder who opens an eIA shall appoint an Authorized Representative (AR)..
There is no change in the exercise of Free Look as mandated by IRDA..